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Showing posts with the label Original Remake

ORIGINAL REMAKE: Psycho 1960 and 1998

For our Halloween episode this year we celebrate... Mother's Day? The ultimate love letter to all the moms out there is Alfred Hitchcock's PSYCHO from 1960 and to prove that love we are doubling down by revisiting the not-so-loved Gus Vant Sant remake of PSYCHO from 1998. This newer version being an attempt at a shot for shot remake, we discuss the style, casting choices, and strangely how dated the newer film seems compared to the 1960 version. Stick around for our new casting choices for what we can assume will never be with a third version of this film... so this is exclusive to this very podcast. You're welcome!   Twitter / Instagram : @originalremake Email: Hosts:  @Podstalgic  and  @warmachinehorse

ORIGINAL REMAKE: Serial Mom and A History of Violence

In this episode, we discuss dangerous parents and compare Kathleen Turner in SERIAL MOM and Viggo Mortensen in A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE. We then turn our focus to hair, age and some questionable sex scenes from both movies. Twitter / Instagram : @originalremake Email: Hosts:  @Podstalgic  and  @warmachinehorse

ORIGINAL REMAKE: Wonder Woman and Professor Marston and the Wonder Women

Two weeks in a row we have  Dave Hart  of  Pop Culture Case Study  to help us figure out our fixation with WONDER WOMAN, other than the fact that it's a very likable movie. We compare that summer crowd pleaser to the crowded love story in the new release PROFESSOR MARSTON AND THE WONDER WOMEN. This discussion focuses on the origin of this iconic superhero character and how that has shifted over time, but more importantly if it shifts our opinion of the character as seen in the Patty Jenkins film. Also because we can't behave ourselves, we pitch a sequel with Chris Pine flying the invisible jet in a very special way. Twitter / Instagram : @originalremake Email: Hosts:  @Podstalgic  and  @warmachinehorse

ORIGINAL REMAKE: Blade Runner 2019 and 2049

For our episode celebrating the release of BLADE RUNNER 2049, the sequel to the classic Ridley Scott sci-fi film, we debate the big questions. Not if Deckard is a replicant, but just who thought that this film was going to be a big box office success? Certainly not our guest,  Dave  of  POP CULTURE CASE STUDY , who gives one super fan's response to this universe's continuation. Meanwhile our host  Mike  continues to lament not the darkness of this particular sci-fi world, but the fact that this visual feast of a movie looks much better on his iPhone than his local theater. Twitter / Instagram : @originalremake Email: Hosts:  @Podstalgic  and  @warmachinehorse

ORIGINAL REMAKE: Groundhog Day and Edge of Tomorrow

On this episode we reset, watch GROUNDHOG DAY, EDGE OF TOMORROW, and then do it all again for your listening pleasure. In a battle between two Ritas, Andie Macdowell fights Emily Blunt for the hearts of hosts Peter and Mike as they look at films that share the similar concept of reliving one day over and over again. Do we choose the comedic and ice sculpting skills of Bill Murray? Or maybe the rare sighting of a cowardly Tom Cruise running away from a fight is more our speed? The only way to find out is to listen to this episode. But all we ask is ONE listen. That's more than enough. Twitter / Instagram : @originalremake Email: Hosts:  @Podstalgic  and  @warmachinehorse

ORIGINAL REMAKE: The Shining 1980 and 1997

On this episode we celebrate the release of IT by looking at another Stephen King adaptation... only this time the original was a theatrical film and the remake a television mini-series.  Margo D.  of  the BOOK VS. MOVIE podcast  joins ORIGINAL REMAKE as our official Stephen King expert as we relive the horror of early television CGI, a kinder, sweeter father haunted by personal demons at the Overlook, and a sitcom star doing his best (worst?) Jack Nicholson. Join us as we declare a winner between Stanley Kubrick and Stephen King as we look at both versions of THE SHINING! Twitter / Instagram : @originalremake Email: Hosts:  @Podstalgic  and  @warmachinehorse

Original Remake: Alien and Prometheus

We are joined by the crew of the  You Don't Know Ish  podcast for a trip through space and time to compare Ridley Scott's much loved classic ALIEN and his not so loved return in PROMETHEUS. Along the way we discover a shared love for Michael Fassbender's prankster robot, why Charlize Theron would not be a top fantasy football draft pick, and the true nature of horror in the shape of a penis. Enjoy! Twitter / Instagram : @originalremake Email: Hosts:  @Podstalgic  and  @warmachinehorse

Original Remake: The Beguiled 1971 and 2017

On this episode film critic  Alice Bishop  joins us at the lovely Civil War era bed and breakfast as found in the 1971 and 2017 film version of THE BEGUILED. We discuss the differences in seeing Colin Farrell and action and western icon Clint Eastwood in a state of vulnerability and how one increases the horror of the situation in these similarly plotted films. The accusation of whitewashing in the new Sofia Coppola version is discussed as is the different interests between her and the original's director Don Siegel. All in all its a lovely time where we exchange mushroom recipes. ALSO: Our friendship survives a minor disagreement on the merits of Blake Lively in shark flicks. Twitter / Instagram : @originalremake Email: Hosts:  @Podstalgic  and  @warmachinehorse Guest:  @alicebishop28