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Test Footage from Roger Rabbit featuring the voice of Paul Reubens

Pumpkinhead Blu Ray

Awesome B-Movie madness starring Lance Henriksen and featuring practical make up effects and direction by Stan (Alien, Jurassic Park)Winston this is a must own for 80's horror fans

Maps to the Stars Trailer for David Cronenberg's latest

This looks great. Now I know what my plans are for Halloween this year.

Pain & Gain

2013 Directed by Michael Bay Starring  Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson and Anthony Mackie  I'll start this by saying I'm not the biggest Michael Bay fan in the world. I don't have anything against the man. I've never met him but I've seen most of his films. I find most of his work to be pretty to look at but not very satisfying. The Rock and The Island are exceptions, I unabashedly love The Rock and I enjoyed the hell out of The Island. Why take time out of a review to tell you what I think of a film makers earlier work? Context. I want you the reader to understand that I don't hate or love Michael Bay films, I'm somewhere in the middle. With all that being said, I loved Pain & Gain. This is by far my favorite Michael Bay film to date. Pain & Gain is based on a series of articles that originally appeared in the Miami New Times. Daniel Lugo (Wahlberg) is an ex-convict who has aspirations of being a great man, strike that a great Ameri

The Constant Gardner

2005 Directed By Fernando Meirelles Starring Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weisz Tessa Quayle (Rachel Weisz) is found murdered in a remote region of Africa in what appears to have been a crime of passion. Her husband Justin Quayle (Ralph Fiennes) is haunted by the stories of her infidelities and something about her murder just doesn't quite add up for him. Everyone around John tells him to wait and the proper authorities will sort everything out but this is the story of how far one man will push himself to uncover the truth.  Brazilian director Fernando Meirelles tells incredibly intimate, personal stories that never feel small. His camera work in The Constant Gardner is brilliant. He uses multiple film stocks and cameras that are constantly moving to tell this story. While the camera work is impressive it never over-shadows the story, in fact the camera is used to underscore the emotional arc of our protagonists journey. I wouldn't say that the camera is a char

Devil's Knot Review

2013 Directed By Atom Egoyan Starring Colin Firth and Reese Witherspoon After four documentaries on the West Memphis Three and countless news stories what was left to be said about their case? In short, nothing and that's why I was really pleased that Atom Egoyan's film focused on the children who were brutally murdered and their families. I hate the way that last sentence came across so I think I should clarify.  In 1994 three teenagers were tried and convicted of murder. The 1993 murders of three young boys in West Memphis, Arkansas made national headlines and the three young men were dubbed the West Memphis Three by the media. A film called Paradise Lost was made documenting the trial and pretty much anyone who saw the film was convinced that the state of Arkansas had screwed up royally. After seeing the documentary I had no doubt in my mind that we would eventually execute the wrong man or men for the murders of those three boys. I completely understan

Batmobile Photos