Directed by Chris Renaud and Patrick Delage, Despicable Me 4 is an engaging continuation of the franchise that embraces its absurdity with joyful abandon. While the narrative may feel patchwork—woven together from a series of delightfully funny moments rather than a tightly structured plot—it manages to charm with its irreverent humor and whimsical spirit. At the center of the film is Gru (voiced by Steve Carell), who finds himself facing off against a new adversary: Maxime Le Mal, an absurdly snooty Frenchman brought to life by Will Ferrell. Maxime, a former classmate has nursed a grudge against Gru since a talent show debacle decades ago. His elaborate scheme for revenge includes a transformation into a genetically engineered cockroach man and enlisting an army of tiny, helmeted cockroaches, leading to a series of uproarious confrontations. Does any of this make sense? No. And if you are asking yourself that question, this isn't the film for you. The film takes Gru and his family...