Battlebots, the hit television show featuring fighting robots, has announced an exclusive live Las Vegas show: “BATTLEBOTS: DESTRUCT-A-THON,” which will open Feb. 3, 2023, at BattleBots’ own BattleBox Arena at Caesars Entertainment Studios. The daily live show follows the enormous success of the BattleBots World Championship filming season, which finished taping in front of sold-out audiences’ last weekend. The new live show contains all the drama, action and destruction of the TV series, condensed into an intense, fast-moving, 80-minute theater show, featuring many of the most famous robots that fans all around the world have come to love. This includes bots like Witch Doctor, Kraken, Mammoth, Lock-Jaw, Hypershock and Whiplash, as well as several new robots being specially created for the show. BATTLEBOTS: DESTRUCT-A-THON will offer several types of tickets, from general admission at $49 per person (with $150 family bundles), to premium options up to $125 and limited ultra-VIP seating...