Directed by the acclaimed Alejandro Brugués ("Juan of the Dead") and penned by the writing duo Joe Russo & Chris Lamont, "The Inheritance" centers around the enigmatic Charles Abernathy, a billionaire nearing his 75th birthday. A shadow of fear hangs over Charles, who becomes convinced that someone – or something – is plotting his demise. "The Inheritance" boasts a stellar cast, including veteran actor Bob Gunton ("The Shawshank Redemption") as the enigmatic Charles Abernathy. Joining him are Peyton List ("Cobra Kai"), Briana Middleton ("The Flash"), Rachel Nichols ("Chicago Fire"), Austin Stowell ("Hunters"), David Walton ("New Girl"), and Chris Wood ("The Vampire Diaries"). With a captivating premise, a talented director at the helm, and a strong ensemble cast, "The Inheritance" promises to be a must-watch for fans of suspenseful thrillers and dysfunctional family dynamic...