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Showing posts with the label Tobey Maguire

Ep. 187 of War Machine vs. War Horse: The Wolfpack (The Truman Show vs. Pleasantville)

On  this episode we jump inside a pop culture bubble by living with Jim Carrey in THE TRUMAN SHOW and (unfortunately) Tobey Maguire in PLEASANTVILLE. Non from the great podcast  Joy Sandwich   joins us for that excursion, but first we take a look at a Sundance hit just now making its way to DVD with THE WOLFPACK.

Ep. 178 of War Machine vs. War Horse: Pawn Sacrifice (Searching for Bobby Fischer vs. Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine)

On this episode we look at the pressures of chess, not by actually playing the game ourselves, but instead watching a small child get berated by his father and the best chess player in the world berate a machine. Our resident nerd expert, Patrick McGill of Role Play Craft , joins us for a double feature of SEARCHING FOR BOBBY FISCHER and GAME OVER: KASPAROV AND THE MACHINE. But first, Ben from the podcast Cinematic For the People was kind enough to join me for a conversation on how I will get my first Oscar and also new release PAWN SACRIFICE.